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Treatments & Services


Chemotherapy is used to treat many types of cancer.  Chemotherapy drugs are also called anticancer drugs because they work to destroy cancer cells.  Sometimes two or more drugs are used together, which is called combination chemotherapy. Our medical oncologists will develop a personalized treatment plan for each patient using chemotherapy drugs and sometimes other forms of cancer treatment.    

Below is a video that further describes chemotherapy.


Treatment side effects may not occur, or can vary depending on the treatment regimen received. Throughout treatment, patients are monitored very closely by the healthcare team and counseled about nutrition, exercise, and side-effect prevention and treatment. National Cancer Institute has an online resource that is helpful “Eating Hints”, and this can also be provided to you in hard copy. 

Our physicians and nursing staff will guide you through your cancer treatment experience, helping you every step of the way.  We recommend that the patient and one caregiver attend our Chemotherapy Education Class to learn how to:

  • Obtain accurate and current information about chemotherapy, from an experienced Nurse Practitioner
  • Address the myths regarding chemotherapy
  • Cope more effectively with side effects as well as attempt to decrease them
  • Decrease the anxiety accompanying the anticipation of receiving chemotherapy
  • Feel more confident and in control regarding your diagnosis and treatment
  • Address the emotional impact of chemotherapy
  • Increase communication/trust with your oncologist and medical staff
  • Empower you to become an active participant in your cancer treatment
  • Provide information about community resources

If you have more questions about chemotherapy, please ask your physician as they will be happy to help.