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For Patients

Survivorship Information and Resources

Life After Cancer

Until recently, a cancer diagnosis meant a probable death sentence. But today, according to the American Cancer Society, cancer-related deaths are on the decline. Early detection, new drugs, new technologies, improvements in prevention, improvements in treatment and better education have all contributed.

Life for survivors is different than it was before cancer. It’s common for survivors to be concerned about cancer reoccurrence, financial issues, long-term physical and emotional effects, among other issues. There are many resources that address these worries. The American Cancer Society offers several resources on survivorship including:

Many survivors also feel the need to give back. At ICS we offer a Patient Ambassador Program where a survivor can offer support and mentorship to a patient.

With the strength of patients and the dedication of oncologists, researchers and other healthcare professionals, we'll continue making great strides in fighting cancer. And until there is a cure, we’ll keep searching for one because Our Only Care is You.

More Cancer Survivor Resources
American Cancer Society: The Cancer Survivors Network National online community of and for cancer survivors.
The Cancer Survival Toolbox(r) is a free audio program designed to help cancer survivors and caregivers develop practical skills to deal with the diagnosis, treatment and challenges of cancer.
American Society of Clinical Oncologists patient site
National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
Connect® Education Workshops.  Upcoming Telephone Education Workshops available free.
Survivorship - Living with and Beyond Cancer from National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health.
OncoLink has decided to focus on a “survivorship care plan” detailing the medical consequences a survivor may face. This document will be individualized based on the answers you provide in a brief questionnaire.